Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Mental incapacity

Its 2.04 am on a Wednesday morning, and I’m feeling strangely lethargic and apathetic.

9.30pm- I was exhausted from insufficient sleep. Of late, I have been intending to sleep about 7 hours a day, from 5am to 1pm. Unfortunately, the room tends to get too bright (even with the blinds drawn) and I will be unceremoniously roused by solar radiation at about 11.30am. And so I went to sleep at 9.30pm instead of my usual 5am, intending to sleep for about 7 to 8 hours and start Tuesday at 5am.

2.30am- I woke up. Checked the time, and cursed at my insufficient sleep. Nonetheless, I got up and had my breakfast of bread and coffee. As is the usual case when I’m not in a rush, I took the time to actually brew coffee.

3.00am- Started chatting, blog surfing, and revising for my exams. Also tested my English language skills. “English Genius,” the results proclaimed, which I thought was quite misleading. “Malaysian Genius” would be more appropriate.

5.30am- I was hungry; time for more food. Out of convenience, I made myself a 12 minute meal of salad, soft boiled eggs and toasted bread. Cold salad in the morning is refreshing.

8.00am- Feeling a little lethargic, I stirred 2 teaspoons of Nescafé Espresso and a teaspoon of sugar into some hot water, and topped up with milk. That would be my performance drug. Not having had instant coffee in a few days, I was reminded of why I have not had it for a few days- it tastes bland and acidic.

8.45am- Set out to walk to the exam venue with a friend.

9.30am- Exam starts, scheduled time 3 hours.

12.10pm- Completed exam early due to some unsolvable problems. The day continued on.

6.00pm- Exhausted, I took a nap of 2 hours.

2.00am- Not feeling rather productive, I opened MS Word and started a new document instead of revising for my exam.

2.27am- I typed this out. Realised I am tired, and need sleep. A glance of this document (written over 23 minutes) will reveal the decaying attention and concentration- starts out with fancy wording, lots of details, expressive. The writing quality then starts to decay into the shit you are currently reading.

2.41am- Finalised my post and finished tweaking the HTML knobs. About to click "Publish Post".

I’ll probably sleep at 3, and wake up at 10. Brunch with more coffee, revision, and leave for my second exam scheduled at 2.15pm Wednesday.