Tuesday, March 28, 2006

WordyWord Meme by Yvy

Yvy started this little story telling game, and I picked it a few days late from Sonia and Yvy’s pages. The point of the game is to write a tale in no more than 109 words using the following 10 words, in order.
1. agent
2. headmaster
3. skirt miniskirt [see edited section below]
4. tomboy
5. fire
6. 69
7. love
8. piglet
9. stinks
10. teh tarik

"And so we’ve simulated student behaviour using agent-based mathematical models," the salesperson-mathematician droned on, the headmaster nearly nodding off from boredom.

The mathematician stepped from the lectern, her elegant skirt contrasting with her short tomboy haircut. "Now, it is obvious that..."

"Excuse me sir," a clerk interrupted, "it’s an incident in room B69. Some boys were caught playing with fire and magnesium strips."

"Sigh... it’s them again. Can’t they just find someone to love and quiet down? Let Piglet handle this." Piglet was the chemistry teacher and discipline master’s nickname.

He turned to the mathematician, "being a headmaster stinks. Let’s go for a teh tarik."
"Yes, we’ll continue later."
109 words


Edited 7.50pm:
Yvy told me that word number 3 should be miniskirt instead of skirt. The composition has thus been reworked to fit a miniskirt onto a mathematician. Fortunately this particular lady has nice long legs that would not complain about the skirt's lack of length.

All modifications italicised. Words from the list will no longer be highlighted.

"And so we’ve simulated student behaviour using agent-based mathematical models," the salesperson-mathematician droned on, the headmaster nearly nodding off from boredom.

The mathematician stepped from the lectern, her miniskirt and tomboy haircut jarring with common perception of mathematicians. "Now, it is obvious that..."

"Excuse me sir," a clerk interrupted, "it’s an incident in room B69. Some boys were caught playing with fire and magnesium strips."

"Sigh... it’s them again. Can’t they just find someone to love and quiet down? Let Piglet handle this." Piglet was the chemistry teacher and discipline master’s nickname.

He turned to the mathematician, "being a headmaster stinks. Let’s go for a teh tarik."
"Sounds good."
109 words


People who I think may appreciate this little foray into guided narrations are:
Yee Hou
Yuan Harng

Sorry it's mathematics again.The first thing that came to mind after spies prancing about in black suits was agent-based modelling used to simulate the behavior of large groups of interacting semi-intelligent entities. Such as pre-programmed robots, humans, flies and business firms.

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